Disadvantages of Microsoft Word Templates and Its Alternatives

Disadvantages of Microsoft Word Templates and Its Alternatives

Generating various docs like resumes, business cards, invoices, or flyers manually can be a daunting task. That’s why many people opt to use templates to make their work easier. Microsoft Word is easily available and features a collection of templates that can meet the unique needs of different individuals, businesses, and companies. Whereas the tool can help you develop decent-looking and complete docs by complying with its guidelines, you may encounter some challenges. As such, MS templates have several limitations, which may influence you to reconsider banking on them to accomplish tasks. This article looks at the Microsoft Word cons template to help you realize that over-depending on the templates might be costly in terms of money and time. Nonetheless, all hope is not lost, as there is a reliable alternative to Word that you are sure to love. Read on to discover what that option is.

What are the disadvantages of using MS templates?

You’ve probably generated some templates using MS templates several times. But have you noted that they lack some features, don’t support importing lists, or can’t be fully customized? These are just a few examples of the disadvantages of using templates in Word documents. Check below to learn more about these cons and more:

Lack of accuracy

These templates are not accurate at all times. How often do you download a document believing it’s accurate at the moment? Are there instances where the file you obtained lacked some vital features? Probably yes. It may interest you to know that templates are not automatically updated as best practices advance and regulations and specifications change. So, you may find yourself using obsolete docs. Say you want to download a resume template and discover that it requires you to add objective statements or photos. These are things of the past, not unless your potential employer has specified you include these details. Using templates that aren’t up to date with the current rules can instantly make you look out of touch with reality.

No data sharing availability

Some situations require you to create numerous documents, and it would be nice if Word allowed you to enter all of the data at once to ensure you don’t waste time. Unfortunately, templates Microsoft Word don’t share data. This means you must repeatedly reenter the same information into your documents until you are done. In addition, your documents may lack consistency because you are likely to make incorrect entries in some docs since you are human.

Lack of essential export features

Microsoft word templates don’t have compliance screening capabilities and don’t allow you to file export info via AESDirect. They cannot connect to your organization’s ERP, accounting, or order-entry system. This back-and-forth exchange of files wastes time and increases the risk of more errors. It’s also hard to modify these templates for each user to meet their unique needs. What’s more, you’ll experience challenges converting imperial measurements used by most US Companies, including the metric measurements normally required on export forms.

Doesn't allow importing lists of your products or contacts

Microsoft Word is not designed for exporters, given that it is a processing program. Therefore, it doesn’t support the importing of lists of your contacts, freight forwarders, clients, etc., and storing them in databases.

Risk of downloading an outdated or incorrect export form

You risk downloading and using obsolete or wrong export forms while using Word. Consequently, you’ll hardly achieve your purpose. For example, if you wanted to create a brochure, memo, letter, certificate, etc., and downloaded a faulty template, you’ll have

difficulties producing the product you envisioned.

It is complicated for some users

Inexperienced users may have a hard time using these templates since Word is updated regularly, and new tools are added often. More so, if they cannot complete some easy tasks like adding a text box or bullets, or simply justifying a paragraph, then their experience with the templates will not be that good. In that regard, it is important to have some basic knowledge of Word to navigate it effortlessly.

Security risks

Downloading templates on word also exposes your computer to security risks. Unfortunately, some people have bad intentions and are hell-bent on infecting your device with viruses for mischievous purposes. Using untrustworthy sites may introduce malware to your device, which puts your files and documents at risk.

Lack of predictive text

Predictive text tools are mainly used to reorganize text writing and are available on many platforms and programs. Regrettably, Word doesn’t feature this tool. Those with strict schedules and don’t have the time to streamline their text manually may be better off using another text editor.

Limited adaptability

Complete templates for word attempt to adhere to the tastes of the masses, so they tend to be uniform. In addition, each one has restrictions when it comes to expandability and adjustability. This means you cannot bend the templates’ design around as much as you want. You’ll have to be satisfied with the few modifications Word allows you to make.

Design mistakes

Word doesn’t retain indent or margin settings between different program versions. For instance, if you generate your doc using Word 2016 and view it on a device that uses Word 2007, you’ll lose all the changes you made earlier. As a consequence, your content will appear disorganized. Moreover, using indents in Word can sometimes frustrate you due to misconfigurations. So, you may spend a long time completing a single task.

High costs of subscription

Word requires you to pay for the original license or buy a premium subscription on Microsoft’s official website to utilize its functions. Nonetheless, the membership expenses associated with the Office Suite are exorbitant, and most users can hardly afford them. This pushes the users to look for free alternatives to Microsoft Word.

Restricted fonts and dictionary

The font and the typeface collection found in Word are limited. This is very inconvenient if you are generating special docs like party or invitation cards. Similarly, the dictionary may miss some updated terms or words. For this reason, it can point out spelling errors even when there are none.

Not intuitive at times

A number of functions on Word aren’t always intuitive, making it harder for you to get the desired effects. For example, it’s possible to have problems as you attempt to insert images and align text in the right way around the images. Although the functions provided appear to have what you require, you may not get the outcome you want at all times.

What are alternatives to using MS Word templates?

Although MS Word has many fans, people still look for other options. Microsoft Word alternatives are plenty, and some of them include Google Docs, LibreOffice Writer, ClickUp Docs, WPS Office Free Writer, FocusWriter, Write Monkey, and more. However, they also have their own drawbacks. For instance, Google Docs is associated with formatting issues, particularly when it comes to importing text from formats like RTF or PDF. It also has a limited collection of templates. Google Docs only works if you are connected online. This can be problematic if you are working in a region with no stable internet connection. The other alternatives to Microsoft Word also have several cons. As such, some of them don’t provide technical support, are slow, take lots of memory, contain pop-up ads, may not support large files or export, etc. So, what option is suitable for you?

At the moment, ElegantDoc.com is one of the best alternatives to Microsoft Word. Why? It features a wide variety of templates that are not only user-friendly but also customizable. The website will also help you to produce professional-looking docs within a short time. ElegantDoc.com is free, but if you want to generate thousands of docs and access several editing features, you’ll have to part with a few dollars. It will be worth it in the end when you realize what you can do and accomplish with the website’s help.


Even though you are familiar with MS Word due to ease of access and use, you may want to use another tool. As aforementioned, Word has many disadvantages, which might frustrate you and even prolong the time you take to generate templates. In any case, you risk generating erroneous, disorganized docs that don’t meet your organization’s standards. To avoid all this, it’s advisable to use a tool like ElegantDoc.com. It will help you to make professionally-looking docs, thanks to the well-organized templates it offers. What are you waiting for? Head to the website and start enjoying its wonderful features.

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